Grand Master Remy A. Presas, Founder of Modern Arnis & Prof. Dan Anderson

I began compiling the Modern Arnis Resource Center with the publication of De-Fanging The Snake – A Guide To Modern Arnis Disarms in 2001.  It has grown to become a significant part of The Super Dan Online Library.  The Resource Center is specifically meant to be a library source for all things Modern Arnis.

Remy Presas taught literally thousands of students since emigrating from The Philippines in 1975. This resource center presents the techniques and approaches taught by Remy Presas from my perspective.  As one of the longest continuously training students of Remy Presas (since 1980), I have a unique history with Prof. Presas in that my learning with him covered a number of key transitions in the art. The “Dan perspective” is the ability to teach in a manner in which technical material can be duplicated by any student, no matter the experience level. 

Click on the cover of any item below to go to that item’s page for a full description. 

Click HERE to go to the Modern Arnis Resource Center DVD page.