The Complete Dan Anderson Encyclopedia of Modern Arnis


This work combines the previous two-volume set into one complete book.  This volume covers the complete scope of Modern Arnis: stick and empty hand techniques, history, stick fighting system derivatives, a specially written history of Modern Arnis in Germany and Europe and much, much more!

This is the most comprehensive work on the art of GM Remy Presas! This volume includes:

*The origins of Modern Arnis in Remy Presas’ own words!

*All eight empty hand Anyos (forms/katas) and 4 cane anyos.

*Over 700 pages!

*Bios of the Datus, Senior Masters, and Masters of Tapi-Tapi.

*Personal remembrances of Remy Presas.

*A list and descriptions of the different branches of Modern Arnis.

*Bios of notable people in Modern Arnis history and more.

*A new chapter on the history of Modern Arnis in Germany & Europe.

That only scratches the surface!  This is the most thorough work on Modern Arnis to ever be published and priced less than the previous two volume set.

Book Review:

“It is with great pleasure that I recommend Guro/Sensei Dan Anderson’s exhaustive treatise The Dan Anderson Encyclopedia Of Modern Arnis. What an amazing job he did. So thorough. These volumes are actually for all FMA practitioners. There is so much information, history, and technique along with terminology. Mr. Anderson’s background as a karate champion is clear as the technique sequences exude a sense of realism that only comes from a fighter’s perspective.

“Thank you Guro/Sensei Dan Anderson for being so meticulous in creating superb texts. A massive project beautifully executed. Great job Guro Anderson! Highly recommended!”

Burton Richardson


Additional information

The Complete Dan Anderson Encyclopedia of Modern Arnis

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