International Modern Arnis Seminars


International Modern Arnis Seminars 3 disc set.
Originally priced at $85 for the full set!

I have had the privilege of being able to teach the MA80 System Arnis/Eskrima internationally. 2006 was the first time I taught MA80 outside of the USA.

PHILIPPINES 2006 – In the summer of 2006 I was invited to teach MA80 in the Philippines at both the 1st Remy Presas Memorial Training Camp as well as the 3rd World Filipino Martial Arts Festival. I had the honor of teaching 4 sessions during that trip. I went over the concepts of counter the counter and MA80 espada y daga (sword & dagger). My experience was capped off by demonstrating at the Filipino Martial Arts Festival Gala on closing night. All classes and the demonstration are on the commemorative DVD.

After the festival, The MA80 System Arnis/Eskrima was recognized as one of the founding members of the Worldwide Family of Modern Arnis and an official branch of Modern Arnis by the International Modern Arnis Federation of the Philippines.

NEWCASTLE 2007 – I went to the United Kingdom in spring of 2006 to teach a series of seminars on Karate and Modern Arnis. The footage for this DVD was filmed in Newcastle.

This DVD covers the art of disarming your opponent against the twelve basic strikes. I go over not only how to disarm but the physics of disarming in an easy to follow method that both the novice student and experienced practitioner can learn from. At the end of that DVD is a demonstration of the use of the Flow to counter your opponent’s counter. Famed martial artist Iain Abernethy was one of my partners in that section.

Dan Anderson – The Best of the West Modern Arnis Camp is the latest in Prof. Dan Anderson’s international training seminars. The BoTW camp was organized by GM Dieter Knuttel and was held in the summer of 2013 in Germany. Prof. Anderson taught over 200 students in three classes:

*MA80 Offensive Tactical Forms. These 8 forms are the distilled essence of all Filipino Martial Arts empty hand actions.

*MA80 Trapping Hands Template. This 6 move template covers the entire strata of arm sensitivity and possibilities for making your trapping hands actions applicable.

*Deceptive Striking – Bait & Switch. This segment covers the use of the cane in fighting and dueling situations.

This dvd contains some of the best documented fighting material of the MA80 System Arnis/Eskrima teaching.

Note – You have two options below to choose from: DVD format and MP4 Video Download.

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International Modern Arnis Seminars

DVD, MP4 Video Download


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