Dos Manos – The Two-Handed Weapons of Modern Arnis


Modern Arnis was the brainchild of Remy Amador Presas.  Founded in 1957, Prof. Presas spread his art of Filipino culture across the world until his passing in 2001.  Prof. Remy’s training began when he was a small child.  He secretly watched his father training the guerilla fighters during World War II and was fascinated by what he saw.  He began mimicking the moves he saw his father teaching and before long, he was observed by his grandfather doing this.  His grandfather, Leon, began young Remy’s training in the traditional art of baston (single stick) and baston y daga (stick and dagger).

Prof. Remy taught the Presas family use of double weapons sparingly in the United States, concentrating on single stick and empty hand applications.  This DVD covers what he taught me as well as my own personal takes on stick & dagger and double stick applications.

Prof. Remy videoed a lot of the material but it is scattered among 20 plus video tapes, many currently out of circulation.  I have worked hard to remedy that   situation by compiling this DVD.  You now have, in one DVD, complete reference material for Modern Arnis double weapons usage as taught by Remy Presas.



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Dos Manos

DVD, MP4 Video